Bunnies on a Budget
Rabbits are not inexpensive companion animals, especially in the city. But you don’t have to spend a fortune on everyday care to be a good bunny parent. Here are 7 tips to help you save money on bunnies and to plan for unexpected costs.
Tip #1: Freecycle
Get setup supplies and much more from your neighborhood freecycle sites. Buy Nothing Facebook groups for your area are a great option for playpens, carriers, dishes, ceramic tiles, baby scales to weigh your bunny, washable floor rugs, and more!
Tip #2: Bulk Buy
Buy gallon jugs of distilled white vinegar for cleaning the litterbox. Buy hay by the bale from the feed stores, and split it with other rabbit people.
Tip #3: Comparison Shop
Find out where to find your products at the lowest cost (don’t forget to factor in the cost of gas). But don’t switch pellets on your rabbit—she can get sick from a sudden change in diet. Find a healthy bunny pellet that you can afford and stick to it.
Look for discounted building materials such as individual marble or ceramic tiles to keep your bunnies cool at the Habitat for Humanity ReSale stores.
Tip #4: Find Alternative Products
Go to discount stores where you can find big plastic trays to use as litter boxes. Concrete mixing tubs are large and inexpensive. Use ceramic baking dishes from a thrift shop instead of a pet water dish.
Tip #5: Network
Get to know other people in your area who have rabbits. Once you see that they take good care of their bunnies, you can ask to exchange bunny-sitting services and help each other find deals on products for your bunnies.
Tip #6: Buy Only the Basics
If you’re on a strict budget, don’t buy bunny those pet store treats (not good for her, anyway!). Give her a small piece of carrot or fruit for a treat instead. Make bunny toys using untreated wood from a lumber yard or clean cardboard.

Tip #7: Save for the Vet Bills
Start a savings account for your bunny’s medical expenses.
Do research on veterinary care so that you avoid doing any unnecessary procedures or paying too much for medications. Ask your veterinarian if you can get prescriptions filled online.