We need fosterers to help save bunny lives. Read below to find out more about fostering for us, then fill out our fostering application if you can help. What are my responsibilities as a foster parent?
Your main responsibility is to keep the foster rabbits safe, clean and fed, and to socialize them to enhance their adoptability. Secondary responsibilities may include showing rabbits to potential adopters, taking rabbits to the veterinarian if they get sick, etc. In certain cases, transportation is arranged for the foster homes.
Your specific responsibilities as a foster home and our responsibilities as the rabbit welfare group you are fostering for, are detailed in the Foster Home Contract which we will give you prior to fostering for your review. Please also read our care information.
How long will I have to foster a rabbit before s/he finds a home?
Time-to-adoption is not always predictable, although some types of rabbit are more in demand than others. We’ve had foster rabbits place in days, and we’ve had foster rabbits take years to place. Most take a few months, depending on the rabbits’ adoptability and the laws of supply and demand. Much depends on the effort you put into socializing and house-training your foster rabbits. We ask for at least two weeks’ notice if you can no longer foster, in order to give us time to find a new foster home. Of course if it's an emergency, we'll take back the rabbits right away.
Can I just foster for one or two weeks at a time?
Yes. Someone has to care for the rabbits when our long-term foster homes are out of town. It isn’t fair for foster homes to pay for boarding or a sitter, so we have a need for regular short-term living arrangements for our rabbits.
What if my foster rabbit suddenly gets sick?
Call the Foster Home Coordinator 24/7 to determine if a trip to the veterinarian or emergency clinic is in order. All veterinary expenses will be covered or reimbursed by Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation apart from the exceptions stipulated in the Foster Home Contract (if the rabbit is injured due to negligence).
What supplies does Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation provide to fosterers?
We supply an exercise pen or baby gate if needed, a litter box, vinegar for cleaning, water crock, initial litter, hay, pelleted food, toys, tarp and floor sheet. We may provide other supplies and initial greens. We essentially provide ALL the basic supplies EXCEPT the rabbit-proofing and the leafy greens, and we may be able to help with those (ask us).
Hay and other basic supplies are provided free as needed on an ongoing basis (you pick up supplies). Foster homes are encouraged to purchase greens on a go-forward basis unless this becomes a financial hardship. If you can’t foster at this time but can donate to support our foster program, we appreciate your help.
Are foster homes screened?
Absolutely. We wouldn’t want anyone to foster who doesn’t meet the same high standards we have for our adopters. It’s only fair to the rabbits and the foster parents. As a fosterer, you may decide to adopt your rabbits later on.
Rabbits must be housed indoors 100% of the time, in a cage-free environment (playpens ok). You'll need a MINIMUM of 4'x4' floor space with room to walk around the playpen.
No homes with predators, and no visitors with the same. Gentle indoor cats are usually ok. Other rabbits in the household must be current on their RHDV vaccinations.
Foster homes have to be close enough to West Los Angeles to get supplies, drop off sick bunnies, etc.
Additional care stipulations are outlined in the Foster Contract.