About Us

Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that is run by unpaid volunteers.

Our Mission

To help abandoned domestic rabbits by promoting spay and neuter, providing education on their care, volunteering in shelters and humane societies, and by fostering and rehabilitating rescued rabbits until such time as suitable permanent homes can be found.

Our Vision

We envision a day when public animal shelters in the County of Los Angeles are fully staffed with volunteers knowledgeable about house rabbits. Volunteers will provide potential adopters with the information they need to make the best choice. With the added benefit of our off-site mobile adoptions, adoption rates will improve and return rates will decrease.

In addition, we hope to establish a spay/neuter fund for low-income families to help address the domestic rabbit overpopulation problem in the Los Angeles area.

Domestic rabbits are the third highest population of animals put to sleep in shelters in the United States. Human beings have a responsibility to these rabbits as they are domestic rabbits bred by people. We believe that by saving these rabbits, we also enrich the lives of people who care for them.

To read an interview with Michelle Kelly about LARF and her work saving rabbits, click here.

Officers and Board of Directors:

  • President + Founder + Board Chair: Michelle S. Kelly, Ph.D.
  • Secretary: Emily Baker
  • Treasurer: Stephanie Anderson, E.A.
  • Board Member: Jean Dong
  • Board Member: Debbi Folsom

Other Key Positions:

  • Education Coordinator: Emily Baker
  • Communications: Tara McGrath
  • Foster Coordinators: Michelle Kelly, Jean Dong, Jacqui Dziak
  • Mobile Adoption Site Manager: Nea Bullock
  • Website Administrators: Jason Taylor, Christa Aube

Contact Us

We have a very high volume of calls and emails; before getting in touch, make sure have read through our site and care information to see if we have already answered your questions.

If you have another question, email us.

Adoption Application
Fostering Application

Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation is a
Chapter of House Rabbit Society