Donate through PayPal Giving Fund HERE or through Venmo here.
Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that is run by unpaid volunteers. Your donations will directly pay for operations, food, supplies and veterinary care for public shelter and foster rabbits! Thank you so much on behalf of the rabbits. Here is a graph based on our expenses from 2023:
You can also mail a check to “Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation,” 10866 Washington, #1230, Culver City, CA 90232. Our FEIN number is 20-4666808. Or if you live in the Los Angeles area, contact us to see if we can arrange pickup of your donation.FREE Donation Programs
Ralphs Community Contribution Program Please sign up for the Ralphs Club Community Contribution program and help the rabbits. It’s FREE for you and it means a lot to us! Go to to create an account and sign up for Community Contribution to Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation. Our organization number is KL679. Remember to swipe your card every time you shop at Ralph’s, and you’ll help us raise money for the bunnies!iGive
Help Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation with free donations whenever you shop online with To learn more or sign up now, use this link:
Please note: At this time, we have all the rabbit food we can use/store for at least a couple of months! Thank you.
Wish Lists
Chewy Wish List:
When new Chewy customers sign up through us, we get a donation for the