Cinnamon Toast & Brownie
From their foster mom:
Cinnamon Toast is a "master of bread making" which I learned from his various sleeping poses, from Loaf to Bagette. I guess his name contains "bread" so he truly expresses that in his sweet dreams. He is also the leader of the pair who likes to explore new places, with or without permission. Brownie follows along. In the future, I hope he can be a gentleman to Brownie during snack time. Right now, he is a little bossy :)
Brownie is a gentle and caring partner for CT. I often see her grooming him and making space to invite CT to sleep by her side. She's easily distracted, though: it is funny to watch her hopping around in the morning, trying to decide between fresh water and hay, yummy veggies, and pellets.
In general, they are pretty good with litter boxes and stay quite clean. They are very independent and gentle bunnies.
Their age: 3-5.
CT is 2022 Mar Vista rescue and Brownie is from the 2019 Mar Vista rescue. They bonded in summer 2022.